Helen Howe – Mum to William

I can do nothing but praise Quorn Pre- School, they are fantastic! The team, the setting and they care and attention they gave to my son are second to none.

My son attended Quorn pre school for a year plus one term. Having previously been at a childminder with which he was comfortable and also a formal nursery setting which he didn’t adjust to. He absolutely loved Quorn pre school from day one. They are warm, friendly, accommodating and fun. They listened intently to me regarding my son and worked amazingly to encourage and support him. Upon noticing that my little boy didn’t want to engage in craft / art activities they scheduled a range of creative projects focused on his favourite thing – DINOSAURS! And had him loving joining in making things very quickly.

It was always clear to me as a parent that Lisa and the team genuinely cared and loved each child, they helped them in so many ways and relished watching them develop and prepare for big school.

To be honest I couldn’t have asked for anything more from them and am incredibly grateful for all they did for my son during his time at Quorn pre school. He’s now at big school and keeps asking when he can go back to pre school… lol